Join the Knights today
Online Registration

Online Registration Instructions
Thank you for your interest in joining the Knights of Columbus. On behalf of all members of the Bryan O Walsh Council 13369 at Saint John Neumann Parish, we’re glad you’re here. We are Catholic men who share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models. We have rediscovered the joy that comes with serving our parish and community. And we have surrendered to knowing God’s pull is always stronger than our push. We have a reignited desire to learn more about our faith and enjoy the fellowship with other guys just like us. Wherever there is a need, there is a Knight. We’re thrilled you’ve decided to join us.
Joining is easy. After reading the instructions, click on the Join Now button below and follow the instructions on each page.
When filling out the online form, you will need to check the box that says “I am interested in joining a local council” and add our Council number, 13369, in the box. See below
IMPORTANT. When you come to the Payment page you’ll need to enter the Promo Code “ McGivney2020” in the box to avoid being charged an initial membership fee of $30.00. See below
Once you have submitted your registration, you will receive a confirmation and congratulatory email welcoming you to the Knights of Columbus. As a new Associate Member, your next step will be to attend a formal Exemplification Ceremony to activate your full membership status with the Bryan O Walsh Council 13369 . The Council will inform you of the dates for upcoming ceremonies.
You are encouraged to browse our website for valuable information and resources and to check it regularly for upcoming events.