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August 22, 2017

Open Social gathering unites new faces with legacy members

New faces, new recruits, awesome chili and a gathering of legacy and Knights, young and older all came together to welcome men of the SJN Parish considering membership in the Knights of Columbus.

We’ve never done this before, so we didn’t know what to expect” said Grand Knight Bob Gonzalez. We have our formal Open House events during the year, but never an informal meet and greet. Judging by the response, I was excited to see interest in serving the parish and doing God’s work through the Knights of Columbus” he added.

“We want to continue to create touch points where men who are looking to grow their faith,  serve our parish and community have an outlet that includes fellowship and camaraderie.” Said Arturo Diaz, Council Membership Director.

The next Knights Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26th at 7:30pm in rooms E & F.


June 23, 2017

Officers Installation Mass and Dinner

On Friday, June 23rd, 2017 The Knights of Columbus Council 13369 held their Installation of Officers for the 2017-18 Columbian Year. This year's ceremony marked the thirteenth installation since the group's founding in 2003. A Mass was celebrated by Monsignor Pablo Navarro in the Sanctuary of Saint John Neumann Catholic Church, with a pot luck dinner in Resurrection Hall immediately after. Installed as this year's Grand Knight was Robert J. Gonzalez and as Deputy Grand Knight, Alfredo Puig. For a complete listing of this year's Officers, visit the Council Leadership tab on the website.

June 08, 2017

Pastoral Appreciation Dinner

On Thursday, June 8th, 2017, the Knights of Columbus hosted Monsignor Pablo Navarro and the St John Neumann parish staff for a night of cheer and fellowship at the annual Pastoral Dinner.

Joining Msgr. Navarro, were Father Tomasz Parzynski, Father Sal Sportino, Deacons Bob Binder and wife Marge, Deacon Felipe Gomez and wife Elizabeth and Deacon Henri Gonzalez and wife Lily.  Also present from the Church office were Pam Lawson, Clarissa Moreno, Gina Rhodes and Juliana Corazon and from the SJN School were Maria Elena Vilas and Melissa Jones

Everyone enjoyed a spectacular four course meal prepared by Chef and Forth Degree Knight Jack Kane.

The Council Officers and Brother Knights greatly appreciate all the support extended to the Council throughout the year in helping us better serve the families of St John Neuman and our neighboring communities.

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